So where did my life begin I'm asking myself and I'm looking as far back as I possibly can. Now what I am about to present is something else that's always been a kind of animated memory. Either I have conjured up from the depths of my imagination or some kind of deep embedded memory. Plus it could be a visual insight into how possibly the soul operates within the brain and I hold my hand up and can say I am only presenting what I see from within.
I have also believed though that we do not begin to exist at birth and come from other existence's even if they are past life's on this planet we call earth or my preferred theory is that of the travel from planet to planet through the light of the sun and stars.
The diagram below is only a visual theory and internal memory or imaginary illusion.
Please see the diagram below

Now A would be the tubes structure from a position of like say a moving vehicle and in a direction of going down a road or better still sliding down a tunnel at the local swimming baths. This is a layer or stage in the transition between either a past life or alternative dimension or distant planet. If so at this stage it could either be a stage of motion from one place to another or even the expansion of knowledge like say the tree of knowledge. I say this because from mental observation the object that I see as myself was trying to seek a dimension. Although the diagram is in black and white the tunnels are made up of lights, shapes, formations, patterns almost as if traveling through some amazing light show. Now either that was motion and travel or possibly the expansion into the tree of knowledge. So while lets say in the womb we are starting to develop and learn the fundamental basics of light our innocent and pure souls are entering a dimensional learning sequence.
B is the strange part because it seems that I remember having to make decisions on which tunnels to take but it was some kind of magnetic force that gave seemed to direct me and almost pull me towards the powers of this existence but like I say this could be all just my imagination. I do feel how ever that the force was of complexity beyond anything our souls repel but the rush was of extreme euphoric motion with a magnetic energy that felt more powerful than anything.
C is the soul which I like to think of as a capsule but it could be spherical in shape. From my perspectives though it would seem as if I was at the front of a kind of craft or as crazy as this sounds but even similar to that of the male sperm itself in which case I guess the soul needs two souls to complete and fuse together to unite. I believe that the soul needs to have the willingness to live and to strive for existence as not to perish into lower levels or become simply nothing and fade in a state of oblivion but they are just again possibilities I am questioning within all of this stage in transition. The soul does continue to exist and probably falls into the bowls of earths energy's on escape from the physical body in death in which the force could either give directions to greater levels of light and allow ones soul to travel to the elevation of light or down towards the earths destruction properties.
So that's just one thing I think at this time and needed to reveal from my mind. Could what I see just be a in depth imagination of how the idea of a soul or is it actually what we are doing all the time and that is whizzing around a brain of tunnels of light that we are processing into what we see around us externally again I am not sure.
So that's just one particular area of my life I wanted to express and maybe irrelevant in relation to the events of my life or lets say pre-life.
Now I will talk of my experiences and the usual formal information like where I was born etc. I will also go into my experience's of my youngest years and especially with being a poorly child that suffered from fallots and my NDE near death experience's.
The Near Death Experience/s

A Partical connection with life, the outer body experience period was strangely confusing and disorientating because it mainly consisted of non gravitational travel through the surrounding area and I remember feeling numb yet highly powerful and secure and it was if my soul couldn't seem to let go of life. My mind wouldn't move through walls or objects either as if I was still confounded to the mental dimensions of reality or simply that the entity that I was couldn't accomplish this being semi alive.
The rays of sunlight seemed to be thick and it was as if the rays themselves were also a kind of mass. I also had the ability to rotate as if like a spaceman and observed the hospital environment from some fascinating perspectives.
B) Soul elevation, This stage came either before or after the next stage I am unsure. Anyway this is a stage of great transition in the state of death or after death. I think this is because you loose all physical sensory desires and its as if you become an observer of the planet and see how it operates. New and unusual colours now appear from the Sky's as if like gold shines of gas and the orbital soul now soaks in a kind of wisdom unlike that of any earthly wisdom what so ever. Its as if you begin to see with new eyes and that you change into a being of great strength and power with a freedom never known. Music also comes into the air as if its being provided from a source above to help relax the soul. The music is very complex and seems to change as if its altering its self to connect with ones own desires with new layers of enchanting melody forming like an orchestra of sublime magical euphoric levels. This music I would say is more like a pulse of energy or some kind of natural rythms that are produced by unknown energy's and it is as if the music can connect with the soul.
1) This is the orbital soul, while you no longer have the sensors of the body you feel a non physical warmth and added level of visual capacity and wider perspective of the visual information around.
2) This is the earth below looking astonishing and glorious with an added visual sense you see such in depth focus on the mechanisms of organic and non organic life and particle/atomic structures.
3) is the sun which holds such power and energy. The sun is the souls focal point and its as if your suspended on a high level ocean of energy awaiting and becoming the substance of everything.
C I think after this point you enter earth again but reach into the core of matter itself and into the tubes until you find the tunnel of transition to an even greater level. You now find yourself alongside other entity's that are moving towards an compelling light and energy. This tunnel seems to be either a kind of futuristic gateway or some kind of alternative pathway towards a new dimension. I believe that it exists and links with the sun or within the fabric of inner space or particle at a tiny scale.
1) One of many orbital souls moving like an air craft through the tunnel of light.
D This as to be the most surreal experience and while it seems to be connected with the concepts of religious belief systems I feel personally as if the experience was unique in the fact that it was less condemning of that of religious teachings and there was a pure empathy that any form of judgement was analyzed with a full focus on the details and pressures of thus existence. Well OK my naked orbital entity or soul was fully focused on an entity of what seemed pure of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. An entity of everything that had consciously been experienced from this realm of life as if the core power behind all. The entity presented itself as human in form and that it was a vision of male and female with the splendor of compassion and with an beyond insane essence surrounded by a golden mist with sparkles and other magical looking gases and particles. There were two other entity's at each side of the most powerful entity but they seemed like guardians of the center entity which would entice and provoke reaction from my soul whilst providing the central entity with two other levels of understanding and giving a extra view point. You are naked to these beings and your mind is unprotected from the body's shell. You can not hide away but your soul as no fear of revealing itself and at this time you have no choice but to reveal your life's mistakes. I was only around 3 years of age or younger while experiencing these things meaning my soul was innocent and had not be tested so I guess they sent me back to life to find out what I could produce and learn.
I'm not sure about this but they also came to the point where they wanted me to be given strengths and powers to help me get through being physically inferior to the majority of the human race but only if I would make use of them for the purpose of expressing not only that of good but addressing without ignorance the darkness that was to be observed. This period could have been the end of all experience's and the order of all experiences seemed out of chronological order due to confusions of moving through free and timeless space.
E1 The pleasure of soul recreations. Imagine if you can a kind of resort of heavenly pleasures. There are many dimensional plains within the higher kingdom. This one particular is a virtual paradise of roman enchantment. Water is very much a substance that energizers the souls glory and allows the souls to re in act erotic pleasures of love and to gaze upon the beauty of ones visual desires without the corruption of earths explicit sick impurities. I also believe that the male and female soul is still separated through how life intended. Some souls are however confused of which side they are and will find there true soul gender through cleansing experiences.
E2 This is just one corridor within the Utopian kingdom, a place that seems brightly lit with simple but functional objects to allow the human form to feel at peace. I say the human form because the soul as its virtual human form that can be changed to suit one owns creative pleasure allowing visual comfort towards others and self. I do believe that this place is on board some kind of space craft with many rooms and timeless amount of places to explore.
E3 This is an observation tower that are located on earth itself. The soul can enter this chamber to look down on loved ones and to try and heal and guide there loved ones as well. I feel that there are numerous towers in the spiritual plain here on earth and the soul can also descend to earth and watch through the eyes of birds. Each soul can possess the crow, eagle, wood pigeon and various others. People on this planet have to realise that the matter of this planet is as virtual as any other virtual plain yet it as the added feelings of pain, confusion which are bonus gifts in a strange way and in a way we should embrace this and respect it.
There are many more place's but these 3 stick out the most vivid in my mind. There may other realms and rooms within the kingdom and I do believe that there is one for spiritual growth which so happens to be a place connected with the last picture that is F
F is your very own room, that you can create your very own realm of limitless space. Full of places you need to identify your souls needs and to aid you. But this place is not available to every soul and even the kingdom is open to souls who can accept the purity of light the sun itself provides. Dark souls of materialistic value that can't disconnect from earths virtual delights will be sent to new areas and may have to re-live a new life until the wisdom of the soul reached and purified through the pains of earth.
The earth is at a bad time for all souls and I believe that the time is not to far away for a new cleansing yet through free will and kaos theory that could still be avoided. What I have said here is in no way some kind of preaching from me and I wish it not to be considered as the gospel. I have experienced things that could be just deluded visions from illness as a child and I wish to have no influence over mankind with my experiences. I am not of any particular religion and have often spoken to my inner voice over these experiences. I believe that I am indeed connected still to the esoteric plain and can speak directly to the higher power but I am not in anyway saying I am all knowing and can still make mistakes myself and be at times materialistic.
The wisdoms
I would also like to express my beliefs that have controlled my life since those experience's and what I feel about life and what a person may do to achieve a deeper and more fulfilling life.
1) The biggest thing is to be aware of free will which is the greatest power we have been given here on earth. By not respecting the consequences of our actions we fail to deliver positives not only in our lives but for those of us surrounding us and this in physical time willl destroy all of the earths beauty.
2) To regard the act of sexual practice a gift that should be practiced through love and not just to reach organic Ecstasy. The unification of two souls is very near that of heaven were by souls are able to connect through a even higher emotional connection. Humans today are only exploring sexuality and learning of it more freely yet to abuse this is an act of disregarding an others soul.
3) To help and to forgive through mercy is the greatest attribute mankind can possess yet power should be given to souls tortured through a souls evil ways to be free to punish and not through a Central legal system. Then the tortured soul will be given the chance to make its own mistake through free will and will account for there actions after death.
4) Innocence of life is that of true strength and for one to stay young in heart is far greater than for those who's curiosity's fall under the trickery of an others words or actions. The power of word should be that of ones own truthful mind and to deceive others through this power is an exploitation of power. To keep ones mind truthful may be easy to be deceived yet to lower ones self to a deceptive level is a step backwards.
5) Materialism is good and bad, The soul will always need stimulation and lack of it will cause lack of development through the world to allow mankind to survive much horror. Yet materialism to give people the ability to look down at an equal soul is ignorance and ignorance in this manner is valued as a low level event in life.
6) The world your life is on is to be respected yet subject to humans failings kaos is the unseen truth and number is the new language which is abstract and minimal. Order is not possible through number alone and more descriptive means of communication needs to be developed plus visual respect play a vital role in earths mental security. An ugly koatic planet will only build walls around free will and other pleasures.
7) Conditional love is wrong in the sense that humans feel they have the right to judge each others souls through that of inquiry and to not be able to see into ones soul through body language and other visual indications will lead to dark and unfilled relationships that are the cause of one soul thinking they can own an others through mental manipulation through language. I do not trust this formal approach in communication as it allows for exploitation of love and denies access to free thinking relationships.
8) You will never find your other half because its already in yourself anyway. And to try and find the ultimate being of power will further your strength to a higher level on earth. Your rewards will not be met with simple merit but with that of complex changes in your own outer existence and the smaller things that are taken for granted will become be a sign of an advanced knowledge.
9) Creativity is the greatest of free gifts and if that is ever taken away from mankind the walls will cripple this plain of existence. That time will come yet pockets and bombs of immunity to captivation will cause a ripple effect that will cause a chain of splendor and pain will amount to such a large degree. Do not forget that pain is the gift and god will supply the earth with plenty, as an example why does a slap around the face awaken ones senses.
10) do not attempt to analyze love or make it a concept as its a natural power and force that will never end on earth. To make love into a psychological conception will destroy its truth and again will mask it with words and artificalize its invisible nature.
11) never deny or turn away from the realms of darkness and the soul should learn its place to the side of evil. To think of ones self as good while looking away from poverty, evil, wrongs etc is ignorance but be careful evaluation is essential and to dabble with dark forces is the opposite thing to do as well. Evil and darkness in souls can be healed yet it can can also consumed by the helping soul so internal powers of observation should be identified and the inner voice is just one of those of things we should listen to at all times around negative and dark force's
12) We are all a part of god and god experiences all we do. We are really all gods children and all of those who try to play god will be rewarded as to wish to be of god is a splendid thing but only if you talk of the wisdom's of gods being and have experienced at first hand this power.
13) Animals have souls as well and are to be considered as equal on the planet, Each of gods animals are ready to succeed human failings if that happens. While god gave animals absence of voice he gave them gifts of flight, song and as already spoken of a channel or gateway from heaven itself as with birds that can be used to observe down upon earth. A soul can come back into that of an animal even after being of human. This could be a reward or a punishment depending on the actions from the previous life.
I could go on for much much longer with things I am guided by and will go into them at some later time and incorporate them into my life's experiences as this is not only an auto biography but a journal of personal thought as well.
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