Fights and bullying
I was not at Bramcote park for long because of one of the most bizzare things I had ever known. I would get into fights at times which believe me was something I would prefer to avoid. All I had to do was to say something wrong and a fight could develop and thankfully the fights were never anything serious. I was always getting into trouble with the teachers as well over stupid things and for doing things that I did not seem to realise would get me into trouble. I remember one incident once when I was sitting in the classroom and I told a lad next to me named adrian smedley to look down inbetween my legs where I had done the old stick your finger out of the zip trick and pretend it was so called back then a willy. He must have seen it was my finger but he decided to shout to the teacher that I had just shown in my privates and that was it I was sent to the office and was quizzed about it. I was more embarrised about what the other kids in the class must of thought and I always hated the idea of looking bad in front of the attractive gals whom I would look up to and day dream about. Then one day in the same class a lad told me to put my hand out and he blew all ink on to my hand so I decided that I would tell the teacher. The lad got told off and for some reason all the kids in the class got up and started attacking me in front of the teacher. It was really scary and eventually I got took to a secure part of the school until home time but I had been warned by the older kids that the whole school was going to be waiting to attack me afterwards and I really imagined this. I do not know if it was just people trying to scare me and I can not understand why they would have said such cruel things so I had no choice to believe it. I had to wait in some toilets for a good half an hour until all the noises of the kids had gone and then I left the school and went a long route home where no one would have spotted me. I then got chance to feel safe at home until a new school was found for me.
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