As a kid I would watch the black and white horror films. I was always interested in strange fictional programs and films, they would always make life seem more fascinating. When I became a teenager I went through a phase of staying inside where things seemed more safe. I would always encounter an enemy when out and about especially those who went to the Bramcote Park school. My mum got a channel subscription to a cable network which offered many channels to view. I was wanting to get one of the adult channels and would watch the free 10 mins with excitement and would tape it onto my VCR video tape cassette player. I would also visit the local video store to rent out a good 5 films a week and I found this to stimulate my mind and it would also help me to relax.
Star Trek the next generation
I used to watch the original star trek but it was never enough for me. The films were decent and the characters were a little bit old fashioned for my tastes. While watching sky one I would eventually find star trek the next generation which would be on everyday after school. Star trek would give me a whole new world to explore in fact it gave me hundreds of worlds to explore. The characters were really much deeper and the whole infrastructure of the ship was designed in a way that I would love to exist within. What made star trek so fascinating was the way in which puzzles would always develop within the plot and it was fascinating to see how they would be solved. The stories would always approach really challenging subjects and would center around such things as philosophy, psychology, history, art, physics and other sciences and much more.

Data in Star Trek
Data was the character I was always most like and at the time I was unaware of my connection with him. Since being diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome I would often try to find fictional and real characters in which to compare myself with. I later came across data while watching an episode of star trek and could easily compare myself with him for the following reasons. Firstly he has a problem with understanding the sense of humor of human beings. I have always found that because I have a more literal and serious outlook on life that my wave length falls short of mainstream comedy. Data also must contain a mind consisting of visual data and he dreams very vividly and by that he often would paint. If my memory serves me well I think he started off by copying the works of others, then he was prompted to paint the things he saw from his memory banks and to also had emotions to the work. Thirdly he was always asking for help and guidance from the humans and although he would listen he found it very difficult to understand the reasons and concepts behind human motivation. Data was a very unique character who spoke without much emotion and this would make him a great councilor to those with Aspergers I believe. Data was a super computer with a mind and other chips that would develop with time and I believe that as being a high functioning autistic that I too am developing more as I grow older but unlike Data I prefer to live it alone and I do not want to be considered a neurotypical human. I have my own sense of humor and when I get that laughing tickle I love the feeling.
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